Sunday, 3 March 2013

Ann Romney Blames

Ann Romney Blames, Ann Romney blames the media for her husband's campaign loss. Mitt Romney suffered a tough loss to Barack Obama back in Nov. 2012 and his wife has her own opinions on why that happened. On March 3, the Washington Post reported that Ann sat down with Chris Wallace and spoke candidly about the election -- and her husband's loss.

"I’m happy to blame the media. The thing that was frustrating to me is that people didn’t really get to know Mitt for who he was. People weren’t allowed to see him for who he really was," Mrs. Romney told Wallace in the highly anticipated interview. Reported Examiner...

Ann Romney blames the direction of Mitt's campaign also, saying that the story about her basically begging her husband's campaign to let him be himself because people would get to know him better and get to know him as more laid back and more "approachable."

"Well, of course—it was part–true—but it was not just the campaign’s fault—I believe it was the media’s fault as well. He was not being given a fair shake," Ann said. Many Mitt-supporters would agree that he was misrepresented in many ways and that people got the wrong idea about him... whether or not that was the media's fault is still being debated.
