Saturday 2 March 2013

East Coast Rapist' gets three life sentences plus 80 years

East Coast Rapist' gets three life sentences plus 80 years, The East Coast Rapist will spend the rest of his life in prison.  Judge Mary Grace O'Brien handed down three life sentences, plus 80 years suspended.
The judge told 41-year-old Aaron Thomas, that "you may have had a horrific childhood but I have to sentence you as the man you are today."......wusa9.

The victims testified, and one victim faced her rapist and said 'I forgive you, even though you hurt me really bad." Life for these young woman who are now 20 years old haven't been the same since Halloween night October 31st, 2009. It's the night the 'East Coast Rapist' abducted and viciously raped them.

The women were 16 at the time. They still have nightmares, flashbacks and sleepless nights. Their grades have suffered, one hasn't been able to finish college. Their families have been affected and have shared the pain.

"As a mother it's my job to make sure my daughter is okay. Just to know I was right there steps away and there was nothing I could do about it. It's a hard pill to swallow."

When asked if they can move on, the victims say, "in due time, it will take a while, but it will be easier it will be another way of life, another adjustment."

The process of getting to Friday's sentencing has been challenging and somewhat strange. Aaron Thomas has acted out in court, ranted to the judge, and has backed out on pleas. Sentencing was no different.

When the judge asked if he had anything to say, Aaron Thomas went on for several minutes in a memorized speech. It was a very articulate rant of how he is a 'pathetic failure.' The victims and Commonwealth's Attorney Paul Ebert all say it was strange especially when Aaron Thomas has called himself mentally retarded.

Thomas has been linked to 17 attacks in the last decade, up and down the east coast from Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maryland and Virginia. He wasn't caught until 2011 when FBI agents connected him through DNA from a discarded cigarette butt. He now awaits sentencing in Loudoun County in two weeks.
