Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Hugo Chavez worsens

Hugo Chavez worsens, Hugo Chávez has developed a severe new respiratory infection that has left the president's health in a very delicate condition, the Venezuelan government has announced.

Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Caracas at the weekend demanding the government "tell the truth" about the president's condition. Protesters accused officials of keeping from the public a full account of Chávez's failing health.......guardian.co.uk

Chávez's breathing problems have worsened and he is suffering from a new, severe respiratory infection after undergoing cancer surgery in Cuba, Venezuela's government said on Monday.

Reading the latest official assessment, the information minister, Ernesto Villegas, said: "Today there is a worsening of his respiratory function. Related to his depressed immune system there is now a new, severe infection.

"The president has been receiving high-impact chemotherapy, along with other complementary treatments ... his general condition continues to be very delicate."

Chávez, 58, made a surprise pre-dawn return to Venezuela from Cuba two weeks ago via medical transport. The government has said he remains in a tightly guarded suite at a Caracas military hospital.

He has not been seen in public nor heard from since his operation in Havana on 11 December, his fourth cancer surgery since the disease was detected in his pelvic region in mid-2011.

Chávez suffered multiple complications after the operation including unexpected bleeding and an earlier severe respiratory infection that officials said had been controlled. The government said the president had trouble speaking because he was breathing through a tracheal tube but that he was giving orders to ministers by writing them down.

"The commander-president remains clinging to Christ and to life, conscious of the difficulties that he is facing and complying strictly with the programme designed by his medical team," Villegas said.

Chávez had previously undergone gruelling rounds of chemotherapy and radiation treatment, which at times left him bald and bloated. He twice overly optimistically declared himself cured.

The only sight of the former soldier since his latest operation were four photos published by the government while he was still in Havana, showing him lying in a hospital bed.

The government is furious at rumours in recent days that Chávez might have died, blaming them on a plot by "far-right fascists".
