Saturday 2 March 2013

Inmate sneaks back into jail

Inmate sneaks back into jail, Most people who've done time on Rikers Island can't wait to get away. But on Friday, authorities accused one former inmate of the massive New York City jail of sneaking back in.
Yonkers resident Matthew Matagrano is charged with impersonating a Department of Correction investigator......nj.

Officials say that for at least a week, Matagrano used a badge and ID card to get into Rikers and roam the jail.

The 36-year-old has a lengthy rap sheet that includes a conviction for sodomy and sexual abuse that landed him on the state's sex offender registry.

It's not clear why he wanted to get into the jail, but he had also previously been caught posing as a Board of Education worker to enter schools. It wasn't immediately clear whether Matagrano had a lawyer.
