Thursday 7 March 2013

Stern to replace Fallon?

Is Howard Stern going to replace Jimmy Fallon? That's the scuttle from the New York Post, which claims the radio shock jock is being groomed by NBC to take over for the former SNL star.

Rumors abound that Jay Leno's days at NBC are actually, legitimately finished come 2014, and that Fallon will be moved into the Tonight Show spot to replace him........vibe.

But Stern to replace Fallon at Late Night is a new rumor, and surprising given that Stern has only recently made the transition to network TV.

Stern has a gig as a judge on America's Got Talent, and has been conducting interviews for decades, but they are decidedly his brand of interview. It would be a big gamble for NBC to bet on Stern's radio audience following him to Late Night, or for audiences to accept him as the last voice they hear before drifting off to sleep.

If Stern replaces Fallon, it would signal a major shakeup at NBC - which may be exactly what they need.
